Channeling Class
Begins September 13th, 2021
Dates: Monday 9/13, 9/20, 9/27, 10/4, 10/11 and 10/18
Time: Time: 4p PT (6 pm CT/7 pm ET)
Fee: $497
*All classes will be recorded so if you cannot attend live, you can listen at your convenience.
Are you interested in learning how to channel?
Channeling takes many forms. It can come in through in written messages from your angels, inspiration from your higher self, direct-voice channeling of higher guides and more. In this class you will have the opportunity to open to the wellspring of loving divine guidance available through you.
Our six week format allows you time to awaken to your gifts.
Channeling is more than learning a skill set. It involves energetic calibration and learning to attune to the way higher guidance moves through you. This takes time. Our six week format will allow you time to awaken more fully to the way you receive your messages. We’ll explore connecting with your Higher Self, bringing forth written messages from the angels, direct-voice channeling and more.
The guides I channel, Josephus & the Wisdom Council will co-facilitate every class with me & will provide you personalized coaching to assist you in attuning to your own group of Guides! This is a sacred and loving way to learn channeling.

Open to the wisdom of your soul + your divine team through the art of Direct-Voice Channeling!
This 6-week class is designed to teach you to open to your gifts as a direct-voice channel. It is an intimate process, one that will bring you an into deeper connection with your angels, guides and higher wisdom self.

This will be a deeply experiential class.
You will be directly mentored by Josephus + the Wisdom Council as you become more familiar with your own team of angels and guides.
You will receive:
6 weekly group Zoom classes with Laurel + the angels
Recordings of calls
My Own Journey with Channeling…
In 2006, when I first was introduced to the work of Abraham-Hicks, I became intrigued with the idea of learning to direct-voice channel. The idea that I could have a conversation with higher guides and angels was the coolest thing I could imagine.
So I started looking for a channeling class…
It wasn’t easy to find at the time…
There were plenty of classes about developing intuition, mediumship, Reiki and other metaphysical pursuits. But channeling? At the time, it wasn’t readily available.
Finally, I found a wonderful teacher in Los Angeles. I took her class and learned all about channeling. But you know what? My channeling gifts didn’t come forth in her class.
What I came to learn is that channeling is not only about learning a process, it is also about going through a calibration and attunement to prepare for the higher energies to flow through you.
I’d heard from other channels that one day they just “popped” and their guides were there.
That’s what happened for me.
While I did not actually “channel” in the class, I learned the techniques and also met Josephus in a guided meditation.
Then, about six months later, while leading a weekly soul group, I “popped” and Josephus came forward and ever since then, I’ve been channeling with them.
It is truly a blessing to serve as a channel. If you are guided to open to your gifts, too, it will be my honor to serve as your teacher and mentor.
With Love,
What is direct-voice channeling?
This form of channeling is a method by which the Higher Guides and angels blend their energies with yours so they can speak with and through you. It is a loving & sacred process. This is the form of channeling that I do with Josephus and Esther Hicks does with Abraham.
Is this class for you?
This class is not for everybody. I wouldn’t recommend it as a class for beginners. This class is best suited for those of you who have already started exploring your mystical gifts and already know a bit about working with the angels.
But if you’ve been thinking about learning to channel. And you have wondered where to find a teacher… if you think we might be a fit… I have four spots open in the class.
Before signing up, though, I encourage you to reach out. Let’s talk and make sure the class is a fit for you.
Who are Josephus + the Wisdom Council
They are a group of higher guides who began channeling through me in March 2008.
They are loving and joyful and bring forward spiritual concepts in an manner that is easily understood. While Josephus is the primary Guide who speaks for the group, he is quick to point out that it is a group collaboration and as such always speaks in the “We.” The members of the Wisdom Council can shift and change depending on the guidance, wisdom and energy that is required during the session. Their intention is to always uplift, inspire and help people remember their true Divine nature.
Through the channeling process J&TWC are able to bring more of the energy into the physical realm. If you are clairsentient you may feel the energy shift when they arrive (you may feel tingles, a soft breeze or a loving presence). When they teach they bring forward not only the intellectual guidance, but they also bring forward the energetic vibration of the concept. As a result, people report feeling big shifts & clearing while listening to the Guides. Often this energy can even be felt in the recordings.
Begins September 13th, 2021
Dates: Monday 9/13, 9/20, 9/27, 10/4, 10/11 and 10/18
Time: Time: 4p PT (6 pm CT/7 pm ET)
Fee: $497

I specialize in helping people like you connect to your divine team of angels and guides, and to the infinite love and support available to you as you step boldly onto your authentic paths.
After years of working as a successful executive in the entertainment industry, in 2006 I switched gears entirely to devote myself full-time to Illuminating Souls. Since then I have had the blessing of working with thousands of people in helping them open to their own angelic connections. My offerings include classes, angel readings, channeling and spiritual mentoring. Today, my Illuminating Souls Facebook page provides daily inspiration to over 340,000 followers. I hold a Master’s in Spiritual Psychology with an Emphasis in Consciousness, Health and Healing from the University of Santa Monica.
It’s truly a blessing to support you!