Circle of Light
I’ve been guided to postpone the start date of November’s Circle of Light. Please check back or email me for an update!
Class + Angel Session: $288
Class Only: $197
You will receive:
4 weekly group Zoom classes with Laurel + the angels
Recordings of all the gatherings
The option to add on a private angel reading, too!

This weekly angelic mentoring group will provide you with a touchstone to nourish stay true to your divine path amidst a “Muggle” world.
Hi Sweet Ones-
As you know, my flow for Illuminating Souls is an intuitive ones.
The angels whisper and I listen.
This is such a moment.
I don’t know about you, but the upheaval in the world is deeply impacting me.
Old forms of self-care aren’t working in the way they once did.
The pain and chaos of the moment are so profound and deeply disconcerting.
So what do we do?
How do we stay balanced right now?
Well, maybe we don’t. Maybe that’s not possible.
Yet, we have lives that require our presence.
So, again, I ask, what do we do?
Well, one thing that I know helps me during times such as these is to gather in sacred heart-centered community. Wherever two or more are gathered in the name of Divine Love, the light comes streaming through.
So this is my invitation to you.
If you could use a bit more divine and human support right now, I’m putting together a four-week Monday morning group called Circle of Light.
This name might be familiar to you because it’s something I offered in the height of the pandemic in 2020.
I need it again. If you do, too, I invite you to join me.
The tentative flow for the next four weeks is as follows. I say “tentative” because things are very fluid right now and who knows what we’ll need to (or be guided) explore three weeks from now.
- Week One: Peace Prayers, what is their purpose?
- Week Two: Outwitting the Shadow
- Week Three: This I Can Do
- Week Four: Your Presence
The fee for the four weeks is $197, it’s $288 if you would like an angel session, too.
And, if, by chance, your financial flow is challenged at the moment, please let me know, I am open to working something out with you on a sliding scale.
And, I’m open to this becoming a monthly thing. So stay tuned.
With Love,
I’ve been guided to postpone the start date of November’s Circle of Light. Please check back or email me for an update!
Class + Angel Session: $288
Class Only: $197

It is my blessing an honor to support you as you navigating you life’s journey. My hope is the Circle of Light will serve as a portal to nourish your Spirit and help you stay centered as you navigate these coming weeks.
Circle of Light is a light-filled place where you can connect with heart-centered community and receive inspiration, love and upliftment. And, as with all things from Illuminating Souls, there is angelic wisdom and light for you, too.
We are an intimate group of kindreds and we gather together each week to explore spiritual topics and receive channeled wisdom and attunements from the angels.