Light Wisdom Matrix

You are in the process of transformation and you are attuning more to the energetic web that connects all living things. This is not a land of words, but rather a vibration of light & wisdom. The wisdom knows innately how to create and sustain life. Man has come...

Behold, I Make All Things New

Here is a journal entry from a while back that I came across today. It is a sweet reminder that each day brings with it the freedom of choice. We need not be bound by yesterday’s dreams.  They were made by an incarnation of us that has may no longer exist. For...

Inspiring Graphics for You!

The past few days I’ve really gotten back into creating inspiring graphics to post to our Facebook page. I’m really enjoying this process and am happy to share them here, too. Please feel free to share on Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest. Let’s spread...

Energy Update 08/10/12

The energies of these past 10 days have been very intense. I’ve felt, wobbly, nauseous, sleepy, jittery and so much more. I was guided to record this video to share with you more about my experiences and what the angels are telling me about navigating these...

Lightworkers & Social Media

In my work, I mentor other soul-inspired entrepreneurs. One of the components of our Energizing Your Lightworker Business class is learning about social media. This module tends to confound and intimidate people. I think there’s a perception out in the world that...