Angel Messenger Training
Begins August 13, 2024
Dates: Tuesdays, 8/13, 8/20, 8/27, 9/3, 9/10 and 9/17
Time: Time: 10 am PT (12 pm CT/1 pm ET)
Fee: $400
*All classes will be recorded so if you cannot attend live, you can listen at your convenience.
Hi Beautiful Soul,
I’m Laurel and I believe you have beautiful gifts to offer this world.
Over the years I have mentored thousands of people in how to connect more deeply with the angels and the angelic realm.
If you are longing for you own connection to your angels + guides, I am here to help you. .
Did you know that not everyone who “does this work” has been open to their gifts all their life? I didn’t open to my gifts until I was in my 40s. In 2005 when I enrolled for my first angelic practitioner class, I was nervous because I was afraid I might not be able to communicate with the angels. Fortunately, my fears were unfounded because these gifts dwell within us all.
This is why I offer Angel Messenger Training. I want to help YOU learn how to bring forth messages from the angels, too.
The angels will always speak to us through the language of love, healing, encouragement and light.
Working with the angels is a beautiful way to open more fully to your mystical gifts and your divine team.
This class is inspired by the journey I went through in opening to my own connection with the angels.
If you dream of serving as an inspirer, healer or light-bearer, this is for you.
You have a team of angels and guides who love and support you. This class will teach you how to deepen in your connection with them.
With Love,

Opening to your Lightwork is a sacred calling.
There is a “rumbling in your soul” as you are awakening to a new day and a new way of serving in the world.
This 6-week class is designed to teach you the basics of giving angel readings, bringing forth angel messages and more!

This will be a deeply experiential class.
You will have the chance to practice bringing forth angel messages for yourself and others.
You will have the opportunity to deepen in your intuitive gifts.
The angels and I are going to be holding a big space for you to better understand who YOU are as an instrument of Light.
It’s OK if you’re not sure you’re ready for this.
I’ll be holding your hand through the whole process.
You have permission to be the student.
You get to be wobbly and not be sure of what you’re doing.
This class is designed to help you find your wings!
You will receive:
6 weekly group Zoom classes with Laurel
Weekly assignments to support you in moving forward
Recordings of calls
Signs that you are ready to serve as an Angel Messenger:
- A desire to give + receive messages from the angels
- Feeling called to be of service to others
- Increased sensitivity to the energies of the world
- Knowing you’re here for a greater purpose (even if you don’t yet know what it is)
- Excitement about learning more about the angels
- An affinity for angel cards, angel pictures and books
- Interest in other metaphysical topics such as Reiki, mediumship, meditation and more
- A calling to step forward as a Lightworker on the planet

Topics Include:
Week One: Your Own Intimate Connection with the Angels + Your Intuitive Gifts
- In our first week together you will learn more about your own innate intuitive gifts and “meet” your angels + guides during a sacred meditation.
- You will learn about using divine oracle cards + how to keep an angel journal.
Week Two: The Mystic Within You
- You are a timeless and wise being. This week is a time for you to gain more confidence in your angelic connections while also awakening to more of your divine self.
- You will continue working with your divine oracle cards + your angel journal to help you deepen in your connection with our angels.
Week Three: Serving as a Practitioner
- Bringing forward messages for others is a sacred practice that requires a shift of focus and intentions. In this segment we will explore:
- Creating + holding sacred space
- Setting expectations + communicating your process
- Energetic Hygiene
- Clarifying your process for facilitating sessions
Week Four: Your First Reading
- This week is the one that makes most participants nervous. No matter what, promise yourself you’ll show up for this class. It’s not uncommon to feel like you won’t be able to do this. But remember, you get to be the student here. We are going to love and encourage you. And I affirm, magic will happen for you!
- P.S. Even if you have zero plans on ever doing a reading for another person, please still give yourself the opportunity to experience this as a student in our class. I’ll explain more about the “why” of this in class.
Week Five: Mystical Archetypes + Realms of the Earth Angels
- We are so much more than our earthly experiences. You carry with you the wisdom of the angels and vibrations from other dimensions. This week is about expanding your perspective about “who” you are.
Week Six: Coming Home to Your Divine Self
- For many of us who are light-bearers, there is a sense of “homesickness.” It’s been my experience that connecting with the angels infuses a sense of “home” into all that I do. This is the focus of this week. Helping you integrate the vibration of “home” into your connection with the angels and your divine self.
I'm not sure I'm ready for this class. I've never done anything like this before.
Angelic communication is a beautiful way to open to your intuitive gifts. You have the ability to connect with the angels, we all do. If this is one of the first “mystical” classes you are taking, welcome. There is a place for you here. This is a gentle, loving and supportive way for you to discover more about your divine gifts.
I've studied many modalities. Will this class support me?
Yes, think of this as learning to attune in a new way. The angelic realm has a beautiful loving frequency that enhances other modalities while also supporting YOU as the practitioner. It is an enriching way to amplify your intuitive gifts.
What is a Lightworker?
A Lightworker is a soul, like you, who has chosen to incarnate at this time to help expand the vibration of loving and light on this planet. Lightworkers often do not know their destiny right away. In most it is latent and awakens after life-changing events. Lightworkers share a special connection with the angels and higher guides who are focused on helping humanity’s evolution. This means, congratulations! You have a team of angels supporting you! 🙂
I not sure I will ever want to do readings for other people. What is the benefit of learning this skill?
This may sound odd, but sometimes it is easier to bring forth angels messages for others than it is for yourself. This is because the inner editor stands watch and gets in the way. But as a Lightworker, you have an innate desire to be of service to others. Therefore bringing forth loving messages for others is sometimes the easiest path forward.
I'm kind of afraid and freaked out. Does this mean this class isn't for me?
One of my teachers said, “The bigger the purpose, the bigger the fear.” As we step into this work, we often move through many layers of fear. It’s OK. We’re going to be here to support you. I get it. I’ve been there. The one thing that I can say is that the brightness of your Spirit is so much bigger than your fear!
Begins August 13, 2024
Dates: Tuesdays, 8/13, 8/20, 8/27, 9/3, 9/10 and 9/17
Time: Time: 10 am PT (12 pm CT/1 pm ET)
Fee: $400

I specialize in helping people like you connect to your divine team of angels and guides, and to the infinite love and support available to you as you step boldly onto your authentic paths.
After years of working as a successful executive in the entertainment industry, in 2006 I switched gears entirely to devote myself full-time to Illuminating Souls. Since then I have had the blessing of working with thousands of people in helping them open to their own angelic connections. My offerings include classes, angel readings, channeling and spiritual mentoring. Today, my Illuminating Souls Facebook page provides daily inspiration to over 340,000 followers. I hold a Master’s in Spiritual Psychology with an Emphasis in Consciousness, Health and Healing from the University of Santa Monica.
It’s truly a blessing to support you!