Hello Gorgeous Friend,
I’m Laurel & I believe there are many of us here to bring more light to the world (and yes, this includes you). As an Angelic Practitioner and spiritual mentor, my job is to help you learn that you have a posse of angels here cheering you on; you are much wiser than you know; and you are supported as you shine your light in the world. I teach and write about walking the mystical path, talking to angels and connecting with the magic in your soul. I believe there is a wellspring of divine love available to us all and when we connect with it, miracles happen. I’m looking forward to sharing the adventure with you!
With Light and Blessings,

Hello Gorgeous Friend,
I’m Laurel & I believe there are many of us here to bring more light to the world (and yes, this includes you). As an Angelic Practitioner and spiritual mentor, my job is to help you learn that you have a posse of angels here cheering you on; you are much wiser than you know; and you are supported as you shine your light in the world. I teach and write about walking the mystical path, talking to angels and connecting with the magic in your soul. I believe there is a wellspring of divine love available to us all and when we connect with it, miracles happen. I’m looking forward to sharing the adventure with you!
With Light and Blessings,
At Illuminating Souls we believe these truths:
You are a Divine Being in Human Form
You are here to express the magic in your soul
There is a wellspring of Divine Love here for you
You have a divine team that loves + supports you

If you have found your way to these words, here is what I know about you already…

I believe the world is a brighter place when we gather together in light-centered community and encourage each other to shine brightly in the world.

You are a beautiful bright being of light and if you ever forget, I will be here to remind you.

Yes, I love the mystical magical of life… and yes, I talk to angels and you can, too.

I promise to empower you, see you in your wholeness, share encouragement and help you awaken to the magic in your soul.
Want to know more?
Here are a few snippets from my journey…
I was a metaphysical skeptic…
Up until my mid-20s I didn’t believe in any of this stuff. I believed in science and things that could be proven. But then I took a human development class taught by a professor with a very New Age point of view. The first few weeks of the class I scoffed and thought the teachings “thoughts create our reality” and other metaphysical jargon were totally off base. But then I had my first psychic experience. Something I couldn’t reason away. My whole concept of the world cracked open. I NEVER would have believed back then that I would wind up in this line of work. Who says God doesn’t have a sense of humor?
I’m one degree of Kevin Bacon
(Extra points if you know what that means). I played a “date from hell” and sang “Love Will Keep Us Together” from Captain and Tenille while Kevin’s character looked appropriately tortured and did tequila shots. Here’s my one and only IMDB listing.
My big spiritual awakening began in 2000…
It began as a result of a dream visitation with one of my guides It awakened me to a depth of love I’d never known before and he helped me remember my path. While I felt great love, it also left me feeling quite homesick for life beyond my human experience. It caused me to go searching for a more authentic path.
My search for answers…
Led me to the University of Santa Monica to get a Master’s Degree in Spiritual Psychology. It transformed my life and helped me step onto my authentic path.
I didn’t begin working with the angels until I was in my 40’s
So it’s never too late. I promise. I believe that throughout our life we awaken to gifts that have been dormant. I cannot wait to see what other cool gifts are waiting for me to discover about this life.
Before the angels, I was working in the corporate world
as a market analyst in the entertainment industry. In 2005, I received a divine download about how to leave my job and launch Illuminating Souls. In January 2006, Illuminating Souls was born and I’ve been doing this work full-time ever since.
I live in Northern California with my husband, Wes
He also is gifted in this work. He’s just a bit more covert than me. He has a Master’s Degree in Spiritual Psychology, trained in shamanism, Reiki, angelic communication and more. He is my best friend, healer and partner in life.
I’m not always angelic…
I’m a total Earth Girl, too. I get crabby, overwhelmed and frustrated with humanity, just like everyone else. My enlightenment test is going to Costco on a Sunday.
Since 2006 I have worked with thousands of clients
and taught countless classes and reached millions of people on social media. And I LOVE my job! Best. Job. Ever.

I have been serving as a full-time spiritual teacher and practitioner since 2006. Since then I have helped thousands beautiful souls illuminate their lives. Many of our alumni have gone on to do AMAZING things with their gifts. It’s a blessing to know that our time together has made a positive contribution to their path of light.

I genuinely understand what you are going through. I went through my spiritual awakening later in life after years in a corporate background. I will always speak to you with empathy and compassion and support your journey and big dreams.

Most practitioners focus on the divine self, but I believe we are dual citizens and heaven and earth and need to embrace our wholeness and learn how to live a practical, grounded life here on the planet too!