This morning I heard the words, “We are reaching the deepening.” This refers to the deepening of our immersion in the transformational ascension energies of this passage. This morning when I awoke at 6 am, I was still so deeply tired. I mentioned to my husband that I felt like it was still 3 am. During last night’s sleep I went far away. My body feels heavy and tired and my thoughts feel somewhere out in the astral. I have appointments scheduled for today, so I’m going to draw God Source energy into me to supplement my own and also allow for restful moments.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed and you suspect you’re on Light-Bearer duty, it’s OK to go off-duty for a while. Imagine lifting your feet up off the planet and lifting your energy straight up to God Source. Imagine a column of golden white light is streaming in to your crown chakra and bathing you, washing you clean. For those of you who resonate with the Christ Light, also bring this into the blending of the energies. Both Jesus and Buddha are wonderful ascended masters to call upon during these passages. They can help us navigate these experiences with compassion, love and divine grace.
We are reaching the deepening, friends. Do not look upon these times with fear. While the shadow may be shouting out, the light is streaming in.
We each get to choose how we use our life-force in this world. Bring your life-force energy to this moment. Gather it up and wash it clean and allow yourself to connect with the gorgeous wisdom of your soul. You have a bright beautiful life to live. And 2013 is coming to you wrapped in bright crystalized God light. Just like you, it is filled with potential.
God, the angels, Jesus, Budhha and all the other Beings of Light who work with humanity send their love to you.