You are a vibrational being. As you awaken more fully to your spiritual nature, you may find yourself growing more sensitive to the modulation of the world’s energy. For example, this past week, I felt tremendous agitation and turbulence. Later that day, tornadoes ripped through the southern part of the U.S. Before the big earthquake in Japan I felt deep sadness. In the days following I felt utter exhaustion. Usually I begin feeling the imbalance prior to the event, so it is not a matter of being influenced by the news or aftermath. Rather I am feeling the subtle shifts in the energetic grid of the planet.
In all likelihood this happens for you, too. Facebook has turned into a powerful touchstone for me. When I begin feeling these shifts, I’ll usually post a status update describing how I’m feeling and ask if other people are feeling the same thing. Every single time I’ve done this within minutes there are a dozen responses from people all over the world who are feeling similar energies.
This week was particularly challenging for me. I’ve had a hard time sitting still. The energy has felt chaotic. My Facebook friends share that they’re also feeling unsettled.
In response, Josephus & the Wisdom Council have channeled this angel message and attunement to assist us in clearing and balancing our energies. It is filled with so much love, it brings tears to my eyes. They will join you in live time when you listen. It doesn’t matter when you listen or how many times you listen, whenever you do, they will join you (with your permission, of course). Allow yourself to feel their love and compassion for you. You are truly supported and loved.
In this channeled angel message, Josephus & the Wisdom Council bring forward a beautiful energy clearing & prayer blessing for Lightworkers.
[audio:|titles=Josephus – Energy Clearing and Prayer Blessing]Thank you, friends!
God bless. Namaste. Peace be with you.